Cable Vs Satellite Internet: Which is Better and Why?

    Cable Vs Satellite Internet

    The battle between Cable Vs Satellite Internet has been raging for years now, with each service providing advantages and disadvantages to customers. Deciding between the two requires a bit of research, so we’ve taken the time to put together a list of pros and cons of each so you can decide which is better for you. The question of which is better comes down to opinion, so we’ll try to keep things objective for the sake of information. Keep reading to learn what both have to offer and where they fall short.

    Cable Vs Satellite Internet

    (Comparison) Cable Vs Satellite Internet: Which is Beest & Why?

    Cable Internet –

    Cable internet involves a direct connection to a cable line, which will need to be run into your home or business so that you can connect your modem and router to the line itself. Cable internet is a popular choice, with AT&T, Spectrum, Comcast, and others offering the service on a wide scale. A physical cable makes for a more reliable connection, but cable internet certainly has its drawbacks, not the least of which is the customer service record of many cable ISPs.

    Satellite Internet –

    Satellite connections require a dish to be installed, usually on the roof or side of your home. Some people dislike this option simply for its aesthetics, but others swear by satellite internet as being faster than the cable alternative. The signal is sent to and from a satellite orbiting high above Earth’s surface, so reliability can be something of an issue when it comes to this type of connection.


    Price is perhaps the main consideration for internet users, and service pricing will vary among both kinds of providers. Cable companies offer options for as little as $10-$20 per month, though those speeds are usually quite slow, and the quality of the connection itself is questionable. On the other end of the spectrum, cable companies also offer more expensive packages in upwards of $70-$90 for higher speeds and greater bandwidth.

    Satellite internet is usually a bit more expensive than its cable counterpart, simply because the equipment is more costly, and a satellite connection is expensive to maintain. Each service usually includes an installation fee or set up charge, but cable ISPs have become well-known for hidden fees and sudden changes to the service price.

    The bottom line is that while both services vary in price according to the company you’re working with, the satellite is usually a bit more expensive than a cable connection. Still, cable companies are notorious for hidden fees. Choose carefully between the two for the best price.

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    A reliable connection is absolutely essential when it comes to service. How can you possibly get anything done when your service fades in and out or drops off altogether at random times? As far as reliability goes, the cable is probably your best bet, though even that is a stretch. While cable uses physical lines, which should be more reliable, that’s not always the case. Satellite isn’t the most reliable either, as the signal can be interrupted by inclement weather and other factors.

    Many cable users find themselves having to reset routers and modems frequently to keep a stable connection. When the satellite goes out, there simply isn’t much you can do as a customer except complaint to your ISP. Even then, your concerns may go unnoticed.

    Customer Service:

    At last, we come to the essential factor of any successful business; it’s customer service record. The top ISPs in the country have been subjected to their fair share of complaints, lawsuits, and lost customers, mostly due to the fact that customer service seems to fall to the bottom of their priority list.

    Both satellite and cable ISPs share this bad habit, so it’s not a matter of Cable Vs Satellite Internet, but rather why this trend seems to span both markets. Why are cable companies so bad at serving the customer? It could be greed or even the fact that major providers have all but monopolized their industries. The big providers don’t want you to know that there are other options available at a smaller, local level.

    Which One?

    While cable and satellite are different services, they share many likenesses that makes it difficult to choose between the two. If you’re looking for more affordable options, you’ll want cable. If you want something that’s of higher quality, you may choose satellite instead. It all comes down to what speeds you require, whether you’re using the service for business or your home, and what level of customer service you’ll accept.

    Don’t settle for one or the other without doing some research on individual prices and services first. It’s easy to stick with what we know, but you might find that shopping around reveals a better option that you didn’t know existed.


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