The Definitive Guides On Technical SEO You Must Know

    Definitive Guides On Technical SEO You Must Know

    Technical SEO is the term referred to both website and server optimization. In essence, it helps search engines spiders to be able to crawl and index through your site with ease. The more effective you can make these technical SEO additions, the better your organic ranking on search engines will be.

    Definitive Guides On Technical SEO You Must Know

    There are many various ways you can enhance your chances of increasing your search ranking, and technical SEO allows you to get a head start. Below is the definitive guide to being able to do so; if you follow these methods, you are bound for success.

    Technical SEO Categories

    There are 5 different categories that Technical SEO can be broken down into; they work as building blocks to help you reach maximum SEO targets. These are crawl ability, indexability, accessibility, rankability, and clickability. Each one helps the user to reach the next goal and ultimately develop advanced levels of Technical SEO.


    This is the first step and ultimately is the foundation of technical SEO strategies. It means that when search bots crawl on your pages looking for information, they can do so with ease. If they are disrupted at all, then they cannot index or rank your pages. It is important that you make your site easy to navigate through as a first priority.

    There are various ways you can do this, and an easy way is through creating an XML sitemap. It requires the user to be diligent and ensure that they keep it up to date at all times. Failing this, you can maximize your crawl budget and site architecture, and if you have a large budget for SEO, this may be the way forward for you.

    There are various other ways you can increase your crawlable, but they require a lot of time and effort. These two tips are the easiest and most effective ways to see a change.


    Once bots can scroll through your pages, they will then index them based on a certain topic or its relevance to the topic they are focusing on. Then your page can be ranked with ease. You must unblock search bots from accessing your pages as a high priority. Otherwise, there is no way you will receive a good ranking on a search engine.

    Another important factor to influence indexability goals is to ensure all your duplicate content is removed. Some bots see this and register it as negative, meaning your score will be lowered, and thus so will your ranking. You must audit your site and backlinks regularly too. Backlinks and redirects are great tools to increase your ranking, but you must know where to purchase backlinks because if they are broken or do not serve the same purpose, then they can actually lower your chances to high ranking.


    SEO accessibility focuses on the things you can do with your site to keep your web page as accessible as possible. This ranges from server performance to HTTP status or load times and page size. Anything that can hinder your web page from being accessible to your audience will be audited and could result in your page being less ranked than others.

    Other aspects of accessibility include things like ensuring your JavaScript has been rendered correctly. It is common knowledge that Google has some difficulties with this, but they have many resources to help combat problems you may run into. You must use them and reap their benefits.

    Page links are also extremely important here too; every page should have at least one link, not including the many backlink opportunities that can be exploited here. It is also important to ensure your pages have depth and many layers within their architecture to help prove accessibility.


    Rankability is widely discussed online and is more of an obvious way to boost your page’s SEO status. It focuses mainly on the number of backlinks or internal links you have to other reliable sources. Links can guide bots from one place to another. The more reputable the links, the better off your ranking will be. Backlink quality is a huge factor and can really impact the trustworthiness of your site.

    Content clusters are another way to increase organic growth too. The link to related content, so it is easy for bots to search and move from one page to another. If you can make the bot’s job easier, naturally, you will receive a better overall score on your rankability. If you can get onto the first page or top five spots, you will definitely have a better click rate.


    Click-through rates usually are only focused on searcher behaviors and analyzing how to get better responses from the clicks you do receive, and they also impact your SEO. They are coupled together due to their dual impact on wanting instant results to a question entered into a search engine.

    The use of well-structured data and good vocabulary can really impact your clickability on all of your pages. This, along with SERP features, through the use of articles, videos, reviews, and FAQ, etc. Anything that will make your page stand out to others and actually gain the click it needs to be placed higher on the search engine should be used. However, it is important to keep it in line with the other categories, so well-researched and relevant otherwise, it will be an empty click as it is not what the users really want to see.


    These five categories, if followed and used as building blocks to help create and enhance your pages, will ensure your technical SEO ratings are through the roof. Please be aware that you should try to keep your page as relevant to its topic as possible. If you focus on promoting it as a priority over actually adhering to the reason, it is there. Naturally, your rankings will fall. Be true to yourself and your site’s ethos as the first port of call.


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