(GOT) Game of Thrones Coffee Cup: A $2.3 Billion Tip for Starbucks

Game of Thrones Coffee Cup

How Many Have You started Seeing Game of Thrones Season 8 already? How many of you are avid Game of Thrones Followers? Only the fanatic followers, the one in a hundred would have been able to grasp the smallest detail, Specially the “Game of Thrones Coffee Cup.” In the Winterfell celebration scene, Khaalesi herself is found sitting with a cuppa Starbucks beverage. I guess you did not notice because you were too busy enjoying along with the rest of North, the wildlings and the Dothraki. So let’s check out everything about the Game of Thrones Coffee Cup article.

Game of Thrones Coffee Cup

(GOT) Game of Thrones Coffee Cup: $2.3 Billion Tip for Starbucks Game

A disposable Starbucks Coffee Cup was spotted by some jingoistic Game of Thrones followers in the fourth episode of Game Of Thrones Season 8. Game of Thrones is Based on the medieval period when plastic has not been invented. Or was it? Does the origin of Starbucks go back to Westeros and Winterfell? Just kidding. Now let’s learn more about this Game of Thrones Coffee Cup guide.

Why Game of Thrones Makers Paid Starbucks?

Be it an unintentional move, a reputed and well-established series could not afford these blunders. On the Night after The Night King and Zombie army was defeated by Jon Snow, Khaalesi and their army, The Winterfell had a drunk fest after so many years. We could see even the rustiest and most ruthless characters having a good time. Heck Jaimie and the Red Beard were about to duel for Brienne of Tarth. I can’t imagine the show ever being a happy family with no fear of Dead or the Evil Queen Cersei.

While Everyone was cheering for the impossible win Winterfell managed against the Zombies, Jon Snow, Khaalesi and Tormund were on the podium or the king’s table. Tormund was Commending Jon Snow while Khaalesi was getting insecure by the attention everyone gave Jon. This is where the Makers screwed up. Game of Thrones Coffee Cup of Starbucks beverage was seen on the table right where Khaalesi was sitting. I wonder whether she had it before the shoot or if it was Jon.

Game of Thrones Coffee Cup

How Much Game Of Thrones Makers Paid Starbucks?

The Game of Thrones Coffee Cup was noticed in the fourth episode of Game of Thrones Came from a local shop in Banbridge, Northern Irland where the shoot for celebration in Winterfell was commencing. Marketing Analysts have evaluated the Settlement of the infamous and unintentional lawsuit to be around $2.3 Billion.

It is not over though, Social analysts and media police have calculated the series of searches with hashtags about this event to be around 193,000 in a small duration of 48 hours. The Damage is Huge for Game of Thrones or Shall I call it accidental publicity? Not when it costs you $2.3 Billion. I mean, Starbucks would have happily sponsored Game of Thrones for the amount of Viewership this episode bought to them. I don’t see them making any losses with the paid Promotion Game of Thrones did for them. After all, Game of Thrones is one of the most-watched series around the world.

The Aftermath:

Game of Thrones makers have removed the Starbucks cup from their series with a digitally enhanced tool, and if you search for the Game of Thrones Coffee Cup today, most probably you won’t notice it in the episode you see now. However, if you have downloaded the Episode on the Day, it aired. No one can stop you from Digging in.


Game of Thrones Coffee Cup

So this was my take on the Game of Thrones Coffee Cup. Hope you enjoyed reading the article. Hit the comment window if you loved this Game of Thrones Coffee Cup article and let me know if you want me to cover a topic of your choice. So this is all about the Game of Thrones Coffee Cup article guide.

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