Pros and Cons of 2-in-1 Laptops

    Pros and Cons of 2-in-1 Laptops

    If you’re in the market for a new computer, then an option you might not have considered is a 2-in-1 Laptop.

    Pros and Cons of 2-in-1 Laptops

    Depending on what you’re planning on using your computer for, a 2-in-1 can be a lightweight, compact, and pocket-friendly alternative to a standard laptop.

    What is a 2-in-1 Laptop?

    A 2-in-1 laptop, sometimes known as a ‘hybrid,’ is a notebook that can also transform into a tablet. This means that you essentially get to own both a tablet and a laptop while only paying for one device.

    There are two different main types of 2-in-1 laptops available. The first is a laptop with a  detachable keyboard. You would use the device with the keyboard attached if you wanted a laptop, and if you wanted to use a tablet, then you would remove the keyboard. Easy peasy.

    The second type of 2in1 laptop is one where rather than removing the keyboard altogether, you would fold it back on itself 360° so that you could use the device as a tablet. The only issue with this type of design is that you are left with a thicker, bulkier tablet to use.


    The main selling point of 2-in-1 laptops is that for the price of one device, you can own both a laptop and a tablet. There are also several other plus points to 2-in-1 laptops:

    • They are generally extremely light and so are easy to use on your lap or in other places where a bulky laptop would get in the way.
    • They are small and portable, making working on the go much easier.
    • You’ll usually have the option to stand your laptop up, meaning you can also use it as a portable television.
    • The touchscreen makes them great for students or anyone needing to take notes by hand, as you can use a digital pen with them, which means you can take notes by hand and then save them straight to your computer.


    If you are someone who is not particularly interested in owning a tablet, then a 2-in-1 laptop probably isn’t the right choice for you.

    Generally, the performance on a 2-in-1 won’t be quite as good as on a conventional laptop, as they have been built for greater flexibility of use over performance. Additionally, if you are someone who likes to play games, then a 2-in-1 isn’t the best choice as they tend not to be as powerful.

    Who are 2-in-1 Laptops Suitable for

    2in1 laptops are a great choice for anyone who uses their computer in a fairly standard way, for browsing the web and typing, who would get used out of a tablet, and who wants to have flexibility over the way they work.

    They aren’t so great for people who need a more powerful machine, for example, people who play games or who do intensive work like editing photos and videos. They’re also probably not a good option for people who won’t get any use out of a tablet. For those people, it’s likely that you could find a better option in a more standard laptop.


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