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Free Game a Day
Kik games are pretty intense. Ok, that's a joke. Ever since Kik introduced bots, users have struggled to see any sensible use of them that justifies their fairly in-your-face advertisement utility for the company. There aren't a lot of fans of text-chat gaming. Remember the Goosebumps series from your childhood where you read the story in the first person...
How to Study During a Pandemic
Studying is a significant aspect of students and their educational pursuits. Studying gives students the ability to test their knowledge on topics learned while acquiring new information. With the closure of schools and the introduction of remote learning due to the Covid -19 pandemic, many persons have had to readjust to that new normal of learning which is the...
Role Of DevOps In Mobile App Development
DevOps is an advanced technology that makes the development process of an application or software smooth. It is no doubt the best way to connect various teams and make them work towards the same goal on the same platform. Using DevOps, we can rectify many problems such as manual errors, time-consuming,  collaboration, progress tracking, and many more. Many companies have...
Is Our Anonymity No Longer a Thing
Information technology advances in development and penetration to the masses every year. Many firms are working on technical solutions to the problem of data collection and procession. As an illustration, consider the construction of fingerprint databases for Internet users, which is an example of what some government agencies have at their hands. These digital fingerprints, sometimes known as "digital...