In December 2017, Amazon web services (AWS) made a huge step towards embracing the blockchain technology by launching the AWS Blockchain Partners Portal. This portal would seek to integrate the blockchain solutions built on AWS for its customers. It is a distributed ledger used to record all the transactions, where there is no one central location where those records...
Previously, students wrote all the work manually, and, in principle, they did not need laptops. However, whatever one may say, now a student can use a laptop for a lot of things, and in many specialties, it will be necessary. For example, to simulate the operation of circuits at the Faculty of Radio Electronics, and we won’t even talk...
For most of the computer history, users had little options other than to go for hard disk drives or HDD when it came to storage. In fact, the vast bulk of computer users hardly even heard of the term SSD until fairly recently. However, in recent times, Solid State Disk storage systems have become increasingly popular, and many computer...
With billions of people using social media every day, it should come as no surprise that cybercriminals have found ways to exploit it for gain. In fact, according to one recent report, social media has actually surpassed email as the preferred means for attackers to spread malware and become the biggest source of attacks.
This popularity stems from the fact...