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Tag: Code 45


Proxy vs VPN
The majority of online users download torrents from different torrent clients to watch their favorite movies and TV shows within the confines of their comfort zone. The torrenting might be considered as an illegal practice, but users still download torrents unabashedly. It's quite apparent they adopt several security solutions to download torrents efficiently. While looking for such security measures,...
Cloud Technologies
It has already been discussed in the preceding articles that in recent times, four noteworthy drifts have been seen in cloud computing and, with time, how micro-services have risen, and the public cloud has emerged as a new open-source cloud computing project. The particular projects influence public cloud elasticity and help to a great extent in designing applications. Knowing The...
Best Data Backup Practices to Try for Your Business
Every business, big or small, should take the time to consider how best to protect its data. In an era where cybercriminal activities are too much on the rise, a robust and reliable data backup plan is essential to help business owners guard the data they generate from landing in the wrong hands. As data grows, businesses find more need...
How to Clean Acrylic Bathtub
Having purchased a magnificent acrylic bath tub for sale, I was determined to keep it in pristine condition. Fortunately, Aquatica USA's invaluable cleaning tips provided me with the guidance I needed to effortlessly maintain its beauty. With their expertise, I transformed my bathroom into a sanctuary of elegance and relaxation. So let's check out the How to Clean Acrylic...