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Tag: Error 10


Software Project Estimation
Software project management is an essential part of any project management. Competent leadership is possible only after complete and accurate software project estimation. This process requires an integrated approach. There are many criteria to consider. But each company must choose the most significant indicators for a specific project. For example, blogs or forums should ask how to design a...
From healthcare to tech startups, businesses from a wide range of industries are slowly opting for LMS (Learning Management Systems) to train their employees. Usually, corporate businesses choose an LMSĀ  to personalize their training material to align with their business needs. Personalization is just one of the many benefits of using a learning management system to provide training. With that said,...
The Influence Of Deepfakes
As a premier app development company, Elegant Media is making moves within the App development industry and helping brands enter the online world and generate an income. Apps are known to be an extension of a business idea. But there are emerging technologies like augmented reality and artificial intelligence that need to be considered when crafting great Apps. Although...
A Basic Guide to Character Concept Art
Idea; it all begins with just one idea. And you weave a character around it. It is similar to reading a book and imagining the characters in it. You picture the entire scene inside your head. The process of character concept art is almost identical. You have an idea or concept, and you put together different characters around it to...