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How Big Data Influences Your Business
Data plays a huge role in understanding valuable insights about target demographics and customer preferences. From every interaction with technology, we create new data that can describe us. With data being captured through products like video cameras, credit cards, cell phones, and other touchpoints, our data profile is growing exponentially. If analyzed correctly, these data points can explain a...
How To Protect Your Data
A business’s data is its biggest asset. Without it, a business would have no information on their customers, no insight into their metrics and statistics, not to mention that they could lose key files and documents. Therefore, businesses must put in the necessary measures to keep their data safe. There are so many risks that can compromise business data...
The Impact that Technology Has on Interactive Games
Technology has had a significant impact on interactive games. Video game consoles have always been the go-to choice for gamers, but with the advent of smartphones and tablets, they are no longer necessary to play video games. Before the advent of technology, people had to use their imagination to play a game. However, advances in technology meant that people could...
Blackview A80 Pro
These days smartphone brands use different ways to get the attention of the users and promote their new smartphones. Among those ways is delivering an incredible product at a fairly reasonable price. Since you are in this article, surely you are searching for a smartphone that not only can handle all your day-to-day smartphone tasks smoothly but also features...