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Tag: facebook works on phone but not computer


Android Apps for Students
In today's scenario, smartphones and Android Apps are the musts for every student. So either you convince your parents to buy you an android phone because it will help you in every aspect of your student life or just get the one yourself and take its help in your studies. It has been seen that since the arrival of...
What Will Change in Frontend Development in 2022
Front-end developers face a rapidly evolving industry. Things have changed – and continue to grow. Back in the day, expertise in CSS, HTML, and JavaScript is what you need to excel in front-end web development. Considering the highly competitive market, the increasing popularity of mobile and web apps, and the rise of digital, front-end developers face various challenges. It is...
Top 10 Tech Trends Disrupting Retail Shopping 2018
A few decades ago, shopping meant going to a retail outlet and finding what you needed. Then, international shopping was a preserve of the super-rich since only they could get the best retail items in the world's leading destinations, such as New York, Paris, and London. But as tech takes over, shopping internationally is now a default possibility since...
How to Perfectly Transfer WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business Data from Android to iPhone
iPhone is already the most trusted tech brand because of its outstanding features, smooth touch, and fast processing speed. WhatsApp is one of the most reliable apps, which not only assists in chatting and is very helpful while sharing essential business data or memorable pictures and videos. If you are an Android user who wishes to switch from Android...