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Extract Audio from Video
MOV is a video format used mostly in QuickTime player on Mac, plus, it is a standard recording format for iPhones. However, if you need only the soundtrack, you can always Extract Audio from Video. For example, it can be a recording of a lecture something that you are most likely to listen to than watch. Movavi Video Converter...
Should Parents Snoop On Their Child’s First Phone
When the child steps into the private school, then parents think it’s the right time to get their child his first phone. There is no doubt in this fact that the mobile phone is a greater source of communication and connection with the world. This tech gadget empowers the user to get the knowledge with ease, but at the...
Why Do You Need The Best Mock Up
Intensifying the strength of your brand is important for your business to achieve dramatic growth and success. Did you know that you can bring your brand to the next level when you download a mockup template and use it for your product idea presentation? This is the main reason why it is good to look for a company that...
Helpful Tips When Choosing Tools for Remote Work
The technology available today makes it possible to work from anywhere with relative ease. However, many start-ups and companies that have been forced to shift to a remote model are discovering the challenges of choosing the right tools. With so many options, it can be challenging to find the right fit. There are various metrics to consider when choosing the...