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Tag: MacBook Air


Live Streaming Apps
The invention of the Internet has changed the world, but smartphones with Internet access turned our daily lives upside down. With the technological breakthrough in the 90s, video streaming started picking up the pace. Nowadays there is a wide variety of video streaming apps. Video streaming apps can be divided into two main categories depending on their functions: ...
Internet Service Provider
Saying that the internet runs the world isn’t an understatement. From streaming to downloading and running small or large scale businesses, the internet is hands down a blessing in disguise that went from speculative to spectacular in just a matter of a few years. Although in the beginning, the number of internet users was remarkably few, but as we progressed...
Web Application Design Trends 2021
There are tons of web applications available, but some of them meet users' expectations and needs, and others don’t. To ensure that a solution will have success, developers keep a bird’s eye view of recent trends, and UI/UX design is no exception. In this article, we are going to take a look at the top design trends of 2021, as...
How to Keep Your Company Data Patched and Secure
It's a topic you hear about constantly these days. Whether it's a news story about how a world-renowned social media app has been hacked and now requires its users to change their passwords, or an organisation (such as the NHS in the UK) being held hostage for a week while their data is encrypted by ransomware; online security is...