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Tag: mobile gaming demographics


Ways to Use Your Discounts Effectively
Discounts are a huge part of all commercial businesses. Customers love them without a doubt. What about the brands, though? Strategically placed deals can boost sales, increase on-site traffic, and attract new customers. However, if you’re running a business, you need to be careful. If you employ discounts too often, your products may lose value, the traffic can be...
2D Animation and 3D Animation
Although we live in a three-dimensional world, this does not at all mean that two-dimensionality is losing ground and disappearing into history. Take a look around and you will see that the 2D animation is staring at you from everywhere: The world-famous cartoon series continue their victorious run that began in the last century. Developers return to the genre...
Backup Strategies
Every business should back up its data. This principle applies whether the servers are on-premises or in the cloud. The modern organization is so dependent on data (some people have posited that data could be the new oil) that the loss of business information could grind operations to a halt and, in the worst case, cause the company's permanent...
Everything You Want to Know about Trojan Horse Malware
You may have heard the term Trojan horse malware from a TV show or movie. The connotations are almost always negative unless the good guy used the Trojan. But what exactly is a Trojan, and what does it have to do with cybersecurity? Let's find out. Where does Trojan Horse Malware Get its Name? You’ve probably come across the Greek mythology...