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Can You Really Develop Your Own Hardware
We use gadgets all the time in today’s modern world. We interact with our smartphones and computers constantly, and we have smart appliances and other gadgets, making our lives easier in many ways. In fact, there always seems to be a gadget for our specific needs. (Guide) Can You Develop Your Own Hardware? And, for those who love science, the technologies...
Top 13 illegal Gadgets that are Banned But YOU can Still Buy
9. Counterfeit Money Detectors – A Fraudster’s Foe While owning one is usually legal, certain advanced models used without authorization can lead to legal headaches. In a world where counterfeit money circulates with increasing sophistication, having a counterfeit money detector is like wielding a sword against deception. These handy devices ensure you don’t fall victim to fake bills, safeguarding your hard-earned...
What is Lean Management and Why is it Useful
Lean management might be something that’s only coming into focus recently for most of us, but it has been around since the 1450s roughly. It was adopted to a limited degree by Henry Ford back in 1913 for the first time in modern history, but the adoption was incomplete. Toyota in the 1930s managed to perfect the lean management...
Freelance Writers
Freelancing can be a tempting affair. For a professional writer, the comfort of writing from home, being his boss, and earning a side income that takes care of the luxury are all reliable and valid excuses for quitting the full-time job. However, many people believe that freelance success is only a fantasy, and this cannot be considered a practical...