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Tag: open source pdf printer


What is IoT
IoT or the Internet of Things has transformed what were once “dumb” devices into “smart” devices by enabling them to share data over the internet and allowing them to communicate with other IoT-enabled devices. One good example of IoT is a smart home. IoT-enabled doorbells, security alarms, thermostats, and smoke detectors create a linked hub. Data can be shared...
Ever wanted to email a person but could not find this someone’s valid email address? Most of us have been there — reaching out to a past colleague, a former schoolmate, even contacting an online seller who’s hardly ever online. In most of these cases, sending an email is the best thing to do, but the trick is that...
Startup MVP Development
Really often, startup companies want to speed up the process and miss the stage of creating and testing MVP - a minimum viable product. This is a test version that has all essential features to see whether the product needs improvement and to gather users’ feedback. Startup MVP development is more economical in terms of money and time than developing...
Live Streaming Apps
The invention of the Internet has changed the world, but smartphones with Internet access turned our daily lives upside down. With the technological breakthrough in the 90s, video streaming started picking up the pace. Nowadays there is a wide variety of video streaming apps. Video streaming apps can be divided into two main categories depending on their functions: ...