Home Tags Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Features and Specifications

Tag: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Features and Specifications


Travel Safely
Winter is here, and fortunately or unfortunately, it coincides with the holiday season where individuals and families travel the most to end the year and usher in the new one. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare well since this season is full of sudden disruptions that arise from the unfriendly weather conditions. To help you travel safely and enjoyable,...
What is Plex and How Does It Work
There has never been more availability when it comes to media to stream, download, and consume. You can go online and join countless free and premium services to get entertainment from any niche and category you can imagine. With all this stuff available, there have to be ways to organize and watch everything easily. And there is. All-in-one streaming services,...
Headphones Most Common Reasons You Buy New Ones
Headphones come in various shapes and sizes: earbuds, on-ear or over-ear headphones, noise-canceling headphones, or wireless models. There seems to be a perfect set of headphones waiting for every single soul in the world. One might wonder: why are there so many types of headphones on the market? The answer is simple - because various people have different needs. Some value...
How to Keep Your Email Account Safe from Hackers
While it’s handy being able to use technology for more and more things these days, including working from home, along with this rise in tech comes a boom in hackers, too. Cybercriminals seem to be out in force more than ever, and keep coming up with increasingly sophisticated ways to break into networks, crash systems, steal data, and lock users...