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Tag: Raspberry Pi 3 Model


The Significant Technology Effect on Educational Psychology
Technology has become deeply integrated into our daily life, which made access to vast amounts of information easily available. Today’s generation of students has grown up with gadgets all around them, so to meet their learning needs, modern teachers must understand the role of technology in educational psychology. In this article, we’ll try to find out how the latest...
The Technology Behind The Combat Lightsaber
When it comes to the Star Wars universe, you could expect perhaps millions of passionate fans. After all, there are so many reasons to love the franchise—the intricate world-building, the uniquely loveable characters, and the gripping storytelling. But if there's one weapon from the movie that’s truly iconic that everyone will probably agree with, it’s the lightsabers. In every Star...
Step-By-Step Guide to Starting Your Own Successful Blog
For the past fifteen years, digital platforms and technologies have exploded at an unprecedented rate never seen before in human history. In a relatively concentrated period of time, Facebook, YouTube, and other social platforms all launched, and completely changed the way we interact with the world. So check out this How to Start a Successful Blog. In addition to the...
Comparison of Cheap Dedicated Server Hosting Plans
Many businesses work in various fields, and sometimes, it could seem they have nothing to do with the Internet. However, nowadays it is difficult to promote your products without a proper online presence. Both small and huge companies may have difficulties with picking the right hosting. Our online configurator will help you to create your own unique server. Also,...