Apple is continuously ranked among the most profitable tech companies for several years now. What makes Apple really popular among customers worldwide isn't only their product lineup, but also the software experience they offer on their devices. Apple's iOS and macOS operating systems are among the most used and most widely desired mobile and desktop operating systems, respectively.
Despite the...
Want to remove a watermark from a picture? Before googling how to do it, remember that watermarks are used for the protection of the image. Every photo on the Internet has an author, regardless if it is watermarked or not. An author doesn’t need to put a watermark to prove the copyright and only the author can decide if...
When you’re starting a business, there’s a good chance that you’re too busy developing your product or service to even think about what to name your business. However, you are doing your business a favor by taking time to figure out how to properly name your startup company.
Think of some of the biggest or most inspiring companies in your...
With the idea to build a website, you have probably surfed the internet to choose the framework that will meet your business needs. Numerous options are available; however, which platform is flexible enough to make the website appealing and user-friendly?
Drupal has it all to implement the functionality you need. This framework is secure, scalable, and highly customizable. Be it...