The Finance and banking industry is seeing huge innovations in the application. FinTech a buzzword for computer systems and other technologies that support and enable the delivery of banking and financial services is now ubiquitous.
PwC report reveals that 77% of financial institutions are investing in internal innovation. In North America, the bank's investment in new financial technology hit $17...
In our now ever-evolving world of information and technology, it can sometimes feel like a maze or a veritable minefield when trying to navigate the numerous home office tech options that are on offer. From desktops to laptops, portable devices like tablets and mobile phones, and storage devices like hard drives and USB sticks, it is understandable how it...
Previously, students wrote all the work manually, and, in principle, they did not need laptops. However, whatever one may say, now a student can use a laptop for a lot of things, and in many specialties, it will be necessary. For example, to simulate the operation of circuits at the Faculty of Radio Electronics, and we won’t even talk...
Since the introduction of AWS in 2004, it has helped businesses across different industries to cut down their operational costs. A report released by Amazon revealed that Amazon Web Services has over 1 million users spread across 190 countries. The majority of these users comprise small and mid-sized businesses.
Even though AWS has become one of the leading companies globally,...