Ways to Fix The Language of this Installation Package is not Supported by your System Error

The Language of This Installation Package is Not Supported By Your System Error

Setup Error The language of this installation package is not supported by your system office 2010 windows 10 is windows specific error that is faced by the user when installing the windows or third party application. The error appears in several scenarios. Users have reported the error appears when extracting the Ms office files from a zip file the error appears. While some user has reported the error appears during the installation process. In some cases, while transferring lists to outlook. The issue is not that critical. In this guide, we will demonstrate some methods that will help eliminate the problem.

The Language of This Installation Package is Not Supported By Your System Error

Causes of The Language of This Installation Package Is Not Supported By Your System Error:

You were talking about the causes of this issue. Setup error The Language of this Installation Package is not Supported by your System office 2010 windows 10 error majorly has been while using the MS office and outlook. The first reason that causes this issue is your regional language setting on your system. That is, if your system is missing the supplemental East-Asian language support, the error seems to appear. Furthermore, if your extraction method is not right, most likely, this is another possible cause of this issue. Lastly, if you are using any sort of installation disc, then either your drive is not working correctly, or the driver cd/DVD driver is causing the issue. On the other hand, if you have downloaded the setup from the internet, maybe it is corrupted.

  • Language support is missing
  • The extraction method is wrong
  • The issue with the CD/DVD
  • Corrupted Installer file

Similar Types of The Language of This Installation Package Is Not Supported By Your System Error:

  • Setup error The Language of this Installation Package is not Supported uninstall
  • The Language of this Installation Package is not Supported office 2016 uninstall
  • The Language of this Installation Package is not Supported Sharepoint 2013
  • The Language of this Installation Package is not Supported by your System windows 10
  • The Language of this Installation Package is not Supported Office 2007 Windows 7
  • The Language of this Installation Package is not Supported Office 2010 windows XP
  • The Language of this Installation Package is not Supported Office 2016 Windows 7
  • The language of this installation package is not supported office 2016 windows 10

How to Fix The Language of This Installation Package Is Not Supported By Your System Error

To resolve to Fix Setup error The Language of This Installation Package Is Not Supported By Your System office 2010 windows 10 issue, the following are the methods that can be helpful to you. In the first method, we will resolve the issue by changing our windows language to match the MS office language pack. In the second method, we will fix the problem using the command prompt. In the third method, we will tell you information about extracting files in .zip or .rar format.

1. Downloading the Necessary Supplemental Language Files –

In the causes, we have discussed that if your system language setting is not recognized or matched with that of the MS office default language pack than Setup error The Language of this Installation Package is not Supported by your System office 2010 windows 10 error appears. Follow the steps to fix the issue.

  • STEP 1. In the Start Menu type Run followed by an enter
  • STEP 2. Type Control Panel in the Run search box field
  • STEP 3. Kindly change the view to be small, locate and click on Regional and Language Option

Supplemental Language Support

  • STEP 4. Firstly go the Language tab, here Under Supplemental Language Support

Supplemental Language Support

  • STEP 5. Kindly Tick on the below options that has checkboxes, then click on Apply and OK
  • STEP 6. It may ask you to put your Windows installation disc to be put in the CD/DVD drive, so kindly put it to download the necessary files to get back from this setup error The Language of this Installation Package is not Supported issue.

2. Extracting the Setup File –

In case if you are getting setup error The Language of this Installation Package is not Supported by your System office 2010 windows 10 error while extracting the .exe file. Follow the method.

  • STEP 1. The first thing we suggest you are instead of extracting it, double click on the installer to self-extract and install the program
  • STEP 2. If you still want to extract the Setup file, kindly open the command window
  • STEP 3. Make sure that it is running using the Administrator privileges
  • STEP 4. In the command window enter the following command
D:\Officesetup>ProfessionalPlus.exe /extract:D:\office2010


**NOTE: Here, D: is the drive location, Officesetup is the directory,
ProfessionalPlus.exe is the setup file, office2010 is the destination directory
  • STEP 5. The process may take some time after extraction, go to the destination location, and run the program without any setup error The Language of this Installation Package is not Supported error.

3. Extracting the .Zip or .RAR file –

If you have downloaded the setup file as .zip or .rar file format. You can use various third-party applications that can extract these files easily. .zip or .rar files are formats attributes that signify that the file is in a highly compressed format. So firstly, you need to decompress or extract it. Then you will get the .exe setup file. Double click on the file to start the installation process for getting rid out of this setup error The Language of this Installation Package is not Supported by your System office 2010 windows 10 error.


In this troubleshooting article, we have gone through three of the best working methods that can eliminate setup error The Language of This Installation Package Is Not Supported By Your System office 2010 Windows 10 Error. This article also briefly talked about the causes of the issue.

We hope this setup error The Language of this Installation Package is not Supported by your System office 2010 windows 10 article solves your issue. For more troubleshooting articles follow us. Thank You!


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