What Should You Do Before the Exam?

    What Should You Do Before the Exam

    We all know that taking an exam is always going to bring a lot of nerves and even a bit of worry. No matter how much you have studied for the test, it is normal that when the moment of the evaluation arrives, many doubts start to arise.

    What Should You Do Before the Exam

    In this article, we are going to talk about some tips that you have to put into practice before taking an exam:

    The day before, what you should do is review and not dedicate yourself to studying. Studying the day before the exam is never going to be a good idea; that’s why it is not recommended to study the night before.

    “It’s time to meet someone, go to the movies, and relax. If you have a lot of nerves, I only recommend briefly reviewing the final worksheets you’ve done.”

    Go to bed at a reasonable hour. If you are between 13 and 18 years old, experts recommend that you should sleep a minimum of 8 hours and a maximum of 10. If you are over 18 years old, it is recommended that you have 7 and 9 hours of sleep a day, but we also know that everybody is different, and there is no one better than you who knows your needs.

    Let’s remember that the time you go to sleep is also important. According to the National Sleep Foundation, it is best to go to bed between 8 p.m. and midnight. It is also very normal that one day you want to go to bed later, but the important thing is that you do not do this before an evaluation.

    There is some research that says that there is an excellent relationship between getting good grades and having good floor habits, so it is important that for nothing in the world, you are going to miss this great tip.

    Leave all the material prepared in advance; that’s what essayswriters advise you. Having all the material already prepared will always be a great help. This way, you will not have to rush around the day of the exam, and you will be able to concentrate very well on everything. So much so that if you are missing something like a pen, you will have plenty of time to go and buy it.

    On the day of the evaluation, you should eat breakfast calmly and in a healthy way. We are talking about one of the most important and delicate points. You should choose a good breakfast because it is what will give you the energy to start your day with a lot of strength and make it a very productive day.

    A good breakfast before an exam can have carbohydrates, good-quality fats, and proteins. Now we can give you a good example: make whole wheat bread with avocado. You can add salmon, fresh cheese, egg, and turkey breast.

    Relax and find a way to motivate yourself. If you are one of those, who get very nervous before an exam, what you should do is try some home remedies to combat that stress. You can listen to music, exercise outdoors, do something that always makes you laugh, and drink herbal tea.

    If you feel that you lack a lot of motivation and think you are not ready, you can listen to music to give you the energy you need, and in this way, you will be much more active. Another thing you can do is read motivational phrases for students.

    Arrive at the place of the exam a few hours before. If you happen to look at the clock and realize that you are running late, you are going to be more nervous than you already were. For that reason, it is important that you always bet on punctuality and, this way, at the evaluation site with some extra time. This will also help you get used to the environment, and you will not feel uncomfortable when you have to take the exam.

    Read the questions and instructions carefully. Although you may think that this point is more than obvious, it is not. The truth is that nerves can do you more harm than you think, so it is very necessary that you read all the instructions and each question carefully and very calmly. This way, you will not jump to give an answer that may be the least appropriate.

    When you can understand everything they are asking you, even if they do not know the subject in depth, you will have more options to be able to answer correctly.

    Another tip is to write the answers well. This way, you will be able to divide the time you have to take the exam, and you will not be left with blank questions just because you did not have time to answer them.

    How Many Hours a Day Can You Study to be Successful?

    The truth is that studying every day requires great discipline, so for many people, this can be practically impossible. University of Florida History Department professor Robert Hatch commented that “students are expected to devote at least 3 hours of study for every hour of class time.”

    “If you have a 3-hour-per-week course, you should devote at least 12 hours per week. In addition, you will have to dedicate additional time to exams and supplementary work,” the professor commented.

    This led to the conclusion that students who are really serious about their careers should study between 50-60 hours a week, which means 7 and 8.5 hours a day. “Smart students will know that they will have to study more because they will anticipate that they will struggle to understand certain aspects of the subjects.”

    Similarly, the professor comments that for many people, studying 8.5 hours a day may be too complicated. That is why it is recommended that the minimum number of hours of study per day is 4 to 5. It is also essential to take some breaks to rest but not to do any activity during that time of relief.


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