Best PlayStation PS Plus Free Games List of the Year

PS Plus Free Games

Playstation Plus is a subscription service that boosts your PSN account and helps to catch the most out of your PlayStation system. A subscription to PlayStation plus gives online multiplayer accessibility, absolute early access to new full game trials, as well as demos. Let’s go through some of the most acknowledged and acclaimed PlayStation PS Plus Free Games List of the year.

PS Plus Free Games

(Latest) Best PlayStation PS Plus Free Games List

So here, we are showing you some PlayStation PS Plus Free Games List so that you can get to know more about the PlayStation PS Plus Free Games List.

1. Beyond: Two Souls –

Beyond: Two Souls

It is an interactive action and drama game for PlayStation 3, as well as PlayStation 4. Quantic Dream developed the psychological thriller from the makers of Heavy Rain, and Sony Computers Entertainment handled the publication. The game was released in October 2013. It was written and directed by David Cage. It features the life of Jodie Holmes, known to be a young woman carrying some supernatural power through some psychic link. By coming down to it, experience the most striking moments of her life with your actions and decisions to determine her fate as the game move on. So this is the best PlayStation PS Plus Free Games List.

Game Play Mode:

The player primarily controls Jodie through the in-game environments. At nearly any time, however, the player will switch to manage Aiden instead. Aiden, as an associate immaterial entity, exists for good in non-clip mode and might move through walls, ceilings, and alternative obstacles; but, he’s restricted to moving solely among a precise radius around Jodie thanks to their religious tethering. While enjoying as Jodie, the sport includes interactive objects marked with a white dot, which might be interacted with by tilting the controller stick in its direction. If Jodie should perform a selected action, icons appear on the screen to prompt the player to press and/or hold bound controller buttons. The communication prompts float within the air, defaulting to an explicit alternative if an excessive amount of time passes before choice. Throughout action sequences, like chess or close combat, the motion-picture photography moves into the pictures while Jodie performs the physical maneuvers; throughout this point, the player should verify the direction Jodie is moving and push the controller stick therein direction to complete the action. Different sequences need periodic stealing that has the player sneak Jodie through environments, whereas coordination bound actions with Aiden. Failing bound action sequences can alter the course of a chapter and, in some cases, cause the death of a non-playable character.

PS Plus Free Games

Game Reception:

The game received a split decisive response upon its release. The response was quite diverse. There was a lot of admiration for its animation as well as visuals. The soundtrack, which was too emotive, was a plus. But it got condemned for its indistinct plot and thin character demonstration.

Pros & Cons Of Beyond: Two Souls

  • Fantastic Central Performance
  • Next-Generation Graphics
  • Powerful Storytelling
  • The sense of limit control
  • Not much scope to do your own thing

2. Rayman Legend –

Rayman Legend

The game is a platform video game that was developed by Ubisoft Montpellier and published by Ubisoft. The game is the sequel to the Rayman Origins. The PS4 version of the said game was released in February 2014. So this also one of the best PlayStation PS Plus Free Games List.

Game Reception:

Rayman Legends obtained precarious acclamation after its release. The critics commended the game’s graphics, level design, controls, sound effects, complete gameplay, as well as the content of the game. As per some critics, Rayman Legends was one of the best platform video games built, and the game won several awards from video gaming publications. The game faced slow sales at the commencement of its release, but sold well and subsidized to the company’s remuneration just a year after.

Rayman Legend

Pros & Cons Of Rayman Legend:

  • Fabulous Level Design
  • Fantastic Graphics
  • Great use of Wii U Touchscreen
  • Awesome co-op Play
  • Other console versions miss the touchscreen controls

3. Eat Them! –

Eat Them!

The game is developed by FluffyLogic and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. It got released in December 2010 for PlayStation 3. Eat Them was the Divine Replacement to the highly commended game Rampage. These are also on the list of PlayStation PS Plus Free Games List.


In the beginning, players have to produce a monster out of dozens of individual body components with stats that admire Health, Speed, Power Drain, and even concern. Colors and designs tailor-made and diverse created monsters may be named, keep and saved within the Monster Lab. Completely different as they’ll be, all of the monsters in Eat Them! And they are supercharged by sponge-like human bodies and that they should be perpetually consumed so as to remain alive.

Eat Them! PlayStation PS Plus Free Games List

Game Reception:

As per the critic, the game was fresh, new, and quite satisfying. But the game become ineffective due to its health system as well as a multiplayer mode. It should have used much more variation in its gameplay.

4. Bloodborne –

Bloodborne PlayStation PS Plus Free Games List

Bloodborne is an action-packed role-playing game that was developed by From Software and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for play station 4. It was released all over the world in March 2015. These are also some of the best PlayStation PS Plus Free Games List.


The action game is performed from the third-person viewpoint. The players formulate their way across various places within the ruined Supernatural world of Yharnam, a city enthused from the Victorian epoch.

At the onset of the game, the player crafts their character, the Hunter. Then the player finalizes the key details of the Hunter; like, sex, hairstyle, name, skin color, body shape, voice, and eye color, are some of the required details of the player. The player also selects a starting class, acknowledged as an “Origin,” that offers a basic backstory for the Hunter and defines the player’s preliminary characteristics. The Origins permits the player’s Hunter to have a diverse playstyle. And that, give the Hunter, an exceptional temperament along with physical look, For example, one Origin may define the Hunter as a faint-hearted weakling, which would point out the player desires to get out of battle. In contrast, another Origin may label the Hunter as being a merciless, killing machine, which would indicate that the Hunter likes to involve in combat.

The player can come back to the protected zone, known as the “Hunter’s Dream,” by connecting with lanterns spread all over the world of Yharnam. Doing so fills health, but increases all beasts in the game world. Lanterns also function as the game’s checkpoints; the player will come back to the last actuated lantern when they die. Situated away from Yharnam, the Hunter’s Dream provides some of the game’s fundamental attributes to the player. Players may procure suitable items, such as clothing, from the Messengers consuming Blood Echoes or Insight, as well as upgrade their character by talking to the Doll, or renew their weapons in the workshop, among other things. Contrasting to Yharnam and all other locations in the game, Hunter’s Dream is deemed completely safe as it is the sole place in the game not to bring out rivals. Despite this, the final two boss clashes of the game transpire in the Hunter’s Dream.

Bloodborne PlayStation PS Plus Free Games List

Bloodborne’s world of Yharnam is actually a huge map full of interrelated parts. Many parts of Yharnam are not linked to the central locations and compel the player to transmit there through the gravestones in the Hunter’s Dream. The player is typically exhibited with numerous choices when rolling through locations; generally, there is a core path that the player utilizes to proceed across the story.

Game Reception:

The game obtained widespread acclamation just after the release. The tech giants applauded the game’s nerve-wracking environment as well as the appealing Grotesque type graphics. It also gained compliments for its finely created combats, inimitable enemy patterns as well for its sound effects. Still, from some critics, it got disparagement because of its loading time and for technical issues. Still, it turned out to be the five-pointer by many of the assessors.

Pros & Cons of Bloodborne –

  • Smart Level Design
  • Consistent
  • Satisfying Mechanics
  • The thick, moody atmosphere
  • Frequently frustrating obscure style

5. Exile’s End –

Exile's End PlayStation PS Plus Free Games List

The game was released on August 31, 2015, and was developed by Magnetic Realms afterward broadcasted by Marvelous Entertainment. Exile’s End is an alliance between Tokyo-based game maker Matt Fielding and other brilliant experts. It was a partial re-creation of Fielding’s earliest game, Inescapable. People count this game as one of the best PlayStation PS Plus Free Games List.

Game Story:

In the remote future, mega-corporation Ravenwood lives more like a planetary government than a corporation that regulates the business and influences the economy with its personal reserved army. So when its leader’s son goes disappeared on an isolated mining planet and when all the contact is lost, the company hurriedly sends a team of a private army to inspect. The moment they arrive in orbit, the team’s ship suffers an electrical malfunction and travels toward the surface. Abundant soldiers evict from the hitting ship by the use of escape husks. Still, only one seems to like to manage landfall moderately unharmed: and that is an aged, cynical soldier named Jameson. In his attempts to reestablish communications on the planet, he ends up uncovering the leftovers of the mining colony. He realizes a truth far more menacing than he ever could have anticipated.

Game Reception:

The game got much applause for its great graphics and sound. In spite of this, the game suffered agonized due to monotonous inaugural sequence, intermittent camera, mishaps of combat control, and a dreary map. Those who unconditionally love to go into every bit of a game’s world without any objective at all will enjoy Exile’s End. On the other hand, a few places don’t offer the player sufficient assistance also. This is a genuine action-adventure game but necessitates a few perfections for becoming a smash hit for everyone.

Exile's End PlayStation PS Plus Free Games List

Pros & Cons of Exile’s End –

  • Good Control Varied Combat
  • Unique Music
  • Survival Mode
  • The story is forgettable.
  • No sense in the story
  • Feels uninspired

Once more, don’t hang around and fail to remember to download these Playstation PS Plus Free Games List because they’ll no longer be available once there will be new PlayStation PS Plus Free Games List approaching. To overcome your summer and move on with these tremendous PlayStation PS Plus Free Games List.

So these are some Playstation PS Plus Free Games List for you. I hope you liked them & you can pick some of them from here. If you liked them, then do share it with others too, so they can also get to know about it.


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