God of War Review: All you Need to Know about GOW

God of War

The original series of God of War was released for the PlayStation 2, and it was successfully combined with a fast-paced and combat-based gaming experience. It included an excellent platform bottled up with puzzles of furious battles and much more. And we all know what kind of fan wave it became soon after its release. This God of War Review game was soon followed by a sequel that was equally well equipped with thrills and chills by expanding upon the myths of Spartan warrior Kratos. By this time, the God of War had become eponymous.

God of war 1

God of War Review

Coming to PlayStation 3 the 3rd edition named God of War III continued the speedy action game mechanics. The God of War Review game was equipped with a graphical boost and special thanks to the beefier power of the console. During this point in time the frantic, button-mashing became a dated concept. But it appeared in re-mastered form finally on the PS4. It was clear that the series required more than a lick of paint in order to make it relevant. Hence the God of War is not a reboot when compared to the style of Tomb Raider. God of War is a very different game from what it has gone through earlier. It is a grown-up, clever, layered, and a perfect fit for the super-powered current generation of gaming.

God of war 2

The game always looked more spectacular and thankful to the technical nous of the PlayStation 4 and particularly the PS4 Pro. It also plays games with the features of modern games. The game is better-paced when compared to the earlier one as it adds depth, customization, emotion, and role-playing elements. It retains most of the technical combat traits and its forebears. It is also called the God of War for a new generation and without leaving anything behind it is a genius. So, below are some of the new things you should know about in the God of War Review series.

God of War Review Game (All you need to know about GOW)

Inspector Norse:

God of war Inspector Norse

  • The all-new setting is attributed to an immediate appeal. At the end of the original trilogy, Kratos’s thirst for revenge against the Greek gods has finally quenched. He will retire to the realms of Norse mythology in order to lead a peaceful life. He is older and also a father of a young son named Atreus. This is a different Kratos when compared to the before one, and the game is costlier for it. The reactions like hate and anger are still there bubbling under the surface. The responsibility of fatherhood will change his motives and also the attributes of the gameplay.
  • He has a different presence on the screen. He has improved the greater graphics hardware up to checkerboard 2160p on PS4 Pro. Our view of his character has literally changed. The action can now be viewed as a 3D perspective over the shoulder. It will make his hulking stature impose more on it.
  • Some people might bemoan the artistic decision in order to move camera angles from what has gone before even though it works wonderfully. Even though most of the screen is taken up with pale muscle mass and you can still observe some of the most beautiful scenery whichever is rendered in the game form.
  • Midgard and some other realms of Norse myth are jaw-dropping in their regards. It is treated as variety when you get to some of the others around five or so hours into the game. They are also treated as some of the best showpieces for HDR tech which we have never seen in gaming. The showpieces are bursting with color and vibrancy. If you do not already have an HDR TV of your own, then you should be waiting for it.

Dressing Up:

God of war Dressing up

  • The Norse theme, of course, will not stop there. The costumes are also inspired by Nordic warriors and legends. Here there are no horns on helmets, but plenty of fur-lined leather and tattoos are available. In one way it is either not just aesthetic. The Alternative armor combinations will come along with customizable weapons which are treated as a big feature of this God of War Review. The enhanced armor styles are different and can be found or purchased. They are upgraded throughout the game for both Kratos and his son. This will not only make the adventure to be more varied, but also adds a flavor of strategy and thought that the previous games in the series touched upon.
  • Wearing the improved armor will not only provide a good look, but it also increases your status like strength, vitality, luck, runic, defense, and cool down. The same is exactly true for your son as it is vital. He is just not only an emotive plot tool but also essential in skirmishes. You can start with the Leviathan Axe which works a bit similarly to Thor’s hammer. After returning a mighty throw, your son will be equipped with the Talon Bow. It can be instructed to rain arrows on the opponents as you beat them with your melee attacks into submission.
  • Both of the leads are utilized for many of the excellent combo opportunities in games. They can be improved and expanded in the future using a deep skill tree system and the add-ons which are in the shape of runes. You can also just level up for every item you wield or wear and also make more tweaking throughout. Ultimately, it may lead to organic, fast-flowing, varied fights that which are suitable for your playing style.

Hidden Treasures:

Hidden Treasures

  • To find out the bonuses and power-ups is really a part of the fun of God of War. Although there are a definitive plot and mission structure in the game, you must travel with Atreus. You can scatter your wife’s ashes present at the top of the mountain. There are even many side quests that you can opt for in order to undertake them. In fact, much of the God of War Review game is sited on large open-world maps which can guide you to your main objective. The hidden areas are also featured along with the secrets. While you are traveling, you must ensure always keep an eye out for a little and off-route passage. It will similarly feature a chest along with a helpful item or hack silver. The back silver is an in-game currency that you can use to spend on new armor or weapons.
  • Indeed, we have discovered that we have spent many hours just meandering around. We have found the side missions to complete and take the optional bosses. So by this time, we have encountered a difficult enemy on the story trail. We have already beaten the similar one in a secret task when power is less. We know what we can do without holding the hand, but the dialogue barked by Atreus has effectively told us what we knew already.

Meet the New Boss:

Meet the New Boss

  • There is plenty to take part in the main plot even without the optional boss battles. You will find an excellent and intuitive combat system with great help. Similarly, like many other games, including the previous God of War, the bosses are generally beaten to exploit through learning specific patterns or weak points. It does not make it any less fun; however, the sheer thrill of wielding the Leviathan Axe will make every fight a joy.
  • The God of War can also intelligently guide you through the tutorial levels at the beginning. By the time you meet your first boss, you will have the skill set which is useful to defeat him. As each of the levels gets progressively hard, you will have greater competence with your gamepad.
  • A lot of combos end with the help of spectacularly powerful moves. So you should not find things too tough until you are late into the game. You should get prepared for everything when you start the game. The God of War Review game design is masterful and even those who did not use the action-adventures of this ilk will be able to play GOW without any struggles. This God of War game is highly recommended if you do not want to miss out on a potential game of the year.

God of War

Final Verdict:

It is really brave to reinvent such a well-known game series. But this new God of War is both a modern masterpiece and also a love letter for the existing fans. The combat system is brought up to date with a bang and slapping on a dose of some of the excellent visuals which we have seen in this generation particularly in the 4K HDR on PS4 Pro. Hope you like this God of War Review.

There is, of course, a good relationship between a father and his boy, which will underpin the entire experience. It has an emotional impact present in some of the best Oscar winners. The fact is that the parent is none other than former rage-filled brute Kratos. But still, God of War pulls the heart heartstrings which is nothing short of magnificent.

The PlayStation has a few triple-A and premium exclusives on the horizon. You should forget to talk about the Last of Us 2 and Spider-Man for now. Here is a game in which you can hold your head up in such an exalted company, and this God of War game is already available. So hope you like this God of War Review Guide.


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