Best Hybrid Cloud Strategies for Dummies & For Everyone

    Hybrid Cloud Strategies for Dummies

    If you ask a group of IT leaders to define what a hybrid cloud is, their answers will probably be diverse as the companies they work for. What was once a black-and-white definition, which describes organizations with a combination of applications that reside in both the cloud and data centres, is now in a hybrid cloud. The number of applications used in the company and the assembly of their integration requirements.

    Hybrid Cloud Strategies for Dummies

    Hybrid clouds are a mixed solution that mixes “the best of both worlds” since they combine local infrastructure (or private clouds) with public clouds so that companies and organizations can benefit from the advantages of both.

    (Guide) Hybrid Cloud Strategies for Dummies

    Approach –

    Adopting a hybrid cloud strategy is one of the most popular approaches to addressing digital transformation for the future, keeping control of certain data and priority workloads in local facilities, while migrating all other IT resources to the cloud. This change provides a good foundation for the future digital development of many organizations, but it entails a series of challenges that in many cases are difficult to address.


    In a hybrid cloud, data and applications can move between private and public clouds for greater flexibility and better deployment options. For example, we can use a public cloud for high volume needs with less security such as email; and the private cloud (or other local infrastructure) for confidential operations essential for the company such as financial reports and banking movements.

    In hybrid clouds, we have the option of “Cloud expansion” or, an application or resource that runs in the private cloud can easily pass to the public cloud when there is a rise in demand. These increases in demand are associated with seasonal events such as Cyber Day or Cyber Monday in the case of e-commerce, or the sending of tax forms at certain times of the year. At this point, the company can easily “expand” into the public cloud to take advantage of the greatest amount of computing resources.

    Planning the Strategy –

    When you plan your hybrid Cloud strategy, there are a few things you need to know. The base of your strategy needs to rest on these things. Control – your company can maintain a private infrastructure for the most confidential resources and services. Flexibility – you can take advantage of the additional resources of the public cloud when necessary. Profitability – thanks to the possibility of escalation to the public cloud, you will only pay for the additional computing capacity when this is really necessary. Ease – the transition from the private to the public cloud is simpler than it seems. Usually, a gradual migration is made, moving workloads in specific stages and moments.

    Planning the Strategy

    The Cloud strategy for your organization will depend on the specific needs of your company, the budget and the control of the information they wish to have. Keep pace with all the developments in the market and technological advancement, which grows every day, that’s what’s for sure. Here at Aviatrix Learning Center you will be informed and get answers to all of your answers.


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