Methods to Fix A Device Attached to the System is not Functioning Error Issue

A Device Attached to the System is not Functioning

Windows Users have been using other hardware in sync with their computers for a long time. Devices such as Android smartphones, iPhones, and other peripheral storage devices have been integrated part of their routine. While using these devices, many users have complained of getting A Device Attached to the System is not Functioning windows error message. While the exact reason for getting this error is uncertain, tech experts suggest that the chief cause of getting such error is using third-party software such as BitLocker. Users often haul up the internet when they get such error, don’t panic. If you’re visiting this post for the error, i can assure you the end of the article will resolve it.

This shows an error code message like,

A Device Attached to the System is not Functioning

What is A Device Attached to the System is not Functioning Error?

When a Windows user plugs in a Smartphone, Flash Drive, or other storage devices in their computer, a message pops up on their screen, suggesting this error. This error stops a user from updating, modifying, accessing files on the storage drive.

Causes of A Device Attached to the System is not Functioning Error Issue:

A particular reason for getting this error is not clear. However, you can associate this problem with the health of the operating system you’re working on. Some triggers could incite this error message, which I’m listing below.

  • Using Third-Party Apps such as BitLocker
  • A Malfunctioned Hardware
  • Corrupted Files or Folders
  • Malware glided into your computer while surfing the internet
  • Windows Running on Old updates
  • Virus attack on your computer
  • Missing DLL, SYS or EXE files
  • Incompatibility in between system and third-party application

Types of A Device Attached to the System is not Functioning Error Issue:

As i mentioned earlier in this post, the error message could induce in your computer through many hardware devices as well. These devices could be a Micro SD card, a Flash Drive, or an IOS smartphone. These are types of error messages that show up while using different Hardware devices.

  • iPhone 8
  • Samsung s8
  • Network share
  • VPN
  • 0x8007001f
  • iPhone xs
  • Command prompt
  • iPhone 7 plus

How to Fix & Solve A Device Attached to the System is not Functioning Error Issue

This is an annoying problem. Users affected with this problem can’t do anything with these peripheral devices. You can’t copy, Edit Delete or move a file when you’re getting this error message.

1. Reconnect the Device –

The most rudimentary yet effective A Device Attached to the System is not Functioning iPhone method that works for me 9 out of 10 times. Before trying the cumbersome troubleshooting method, you should try and unplug and replug the device. Here’s how you could do it correctly.

Install Computer Driver from a USB Drive

  • Safely remove the Device
  • Restart your computer
  • Connect your Device Once again

2. Reinstall the Driver of Device –

Another approach to abolishing this iPhone A Device Attached to the System is not Functioning error message is reinstalling the driver. Here’s how you can do it quickly.

After that type devmgmt.msc and hit enter

  • Press Windows key and Letter R from your computer keyboard at the same time
  • Type Devmgmt.msc and press Enter
  • You should see the list of Drivers in the windows
  • Narrow down to the Device with trouble
  • Click right and go to properties
  • Go to Driver
  • Uninstall the driver
  • Go back to the driver
  • Click right and Check for hardware changes
  • Done!

3. Restart your Computer –

Another thing you could do to fix this A Device Attached to the System is not Functioning Windows 10 problem is to restart your computer. Now restart your computer could be done in two ways, hot reset or cold reset. A hot reset or warm reset is a safe way to restart your computer. Simply visit the start tab, click on the power icon, and select restart. To cold reset your computer, you have to press the power button until the screen goes blank.

restart computer

*Note: Cold Reset is only suggested in rare cases as it gives your OS a Shock by switching it off intermediately without closing any background applications.

4. Format Drive –

One more way to fix this A Device Attached to the System is not Functioning android error is by formatting the peripheral device. Now, you should take a complete backup of your drive before you do that as you could lose the integrated data that’s important for you. After you do so, follow these steps to format your drive.

A Device Attached to the System is not Functioning

  • Click right on the drive
  • Choose format
  • Click on Quick Format
  • Click on Start
  • Done
Final Verdict:

In this article, we’ve discussed different ways through which a user could get rid of A Device Attached to the System is not Functioning 0x8007001f Windows Error Issue.

I hope you’re satisfied with the content of this A Device Attached to the System is not Functioning 0x8007001f post. Have a nice day!


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