Complete Lists of God of War Best Skills You Need to Know


To begin with, this article on the Complete Guide to God of War Best Skills wiki, let me sweat this guide with tips and tricks as well. You got it right. I did an entire article on God of war CheatSheet. In that article, I talked about the origin and different versions released of God of War so in case you need some history lessons, please visit that article. Also, there were Tips and Tricks in which I gave away 10 most important lessons you need to follow to become the Yoda of God of war. Learn from the master, and you must.

best god of war skills

Alright, I am coming to the topic of this article. It comprises more than twenty skills that you must unlock in order to proceed and progress in the game. As you make your way through earning more Skills, the brutality and difficulty of the game only increase. That’s why to help you master the game I’ll be giving you the complete guide to God of war skills & requirements.

In this article, we’ll be discussing “God of War Best Skills to get first.” The best 10 that you have to use to be the king.

(Top 10) Complete Lists of God of War Best Skills

As I mentioned in my earlier article, God of war is an action-adventure, Hack, and Slash game. It was released first in 2005, and the latest version that came out was God of war remastered on 14th July 2015. The game is available to play on Xbox One, Windows and PlayStation and features excellent graphics.

best god of war skills

1. Permafrost –

What do you do when you face a group of Draugrs who have the sole purpose of taking you down? You use permafrost. Freezing them would give you enough time to escape or hit them hard enough to kill them. So this is also one of the God of War Best Skills.

best god of war skills

2. Countering Strike –

Although Shield is a comparatively new weapon for Kratos, we know Kratos is a quick learner, and he adapts new concepts quickly. Countering strike gives you a leeway of using the last-minute block with an unblocked attack of your own. Oh! And also it can help you redirect an attack anywhere which is cherry on the cake. So this is also in the list of God of War Best Skills.

best god of war skills

3. Guardian Sweep –

If you pay attention to the enemy’s stun meter. You’ll notice that stretching a battle is a time-wasting thing and it’s better just to give them a finishing blow. This is where Guardian sweep comes to play. Not only Guardian sweep bumps the stun meter, but it also knocks down several enemies. So this one is also the God of War Best Skills.

best god of war skills

4. Block Break –

Block Break is another skill that could prove handy in tough times. This proves to be more helpful when you’re facing a shielded enemy. Block break pushes your opponent to give an open attack, and that’s when you can stagger them using the Block break. Although that won’t stop them for long, later on, you can use other weapons to hack and slash them. So this is also in the list of God of War Best Skills.

best god of war skills

5. Executioner’s Cleave –

Executioner’s cleave is another cool skill you could use in God of War. Although it is slow while packing up, yet it’s so satisfying to watch your enemy fall with the blow of Executioner Cleave. Whenever you see an enemy on the floor, Use the Executioner’s Cleave to finish him off. So this one is also one of the God of War Best Skills.

Executioner's cleave god of war

6. TeamWork –

Teamwork is a great combo to work effortlessly with Atreus. Though Atreus appears less usable in its initial stages. But as you progress and upgrade its true potential, it will prove to be a savage tool of machinery. You will see Atreus powerful impact progressing with support of Teamwork. So this is also the God of War Best Skills.

Teamwork god of war

7. Ferocity –

It’s one of the God of War Best Skills. Its attack combined with Atreus is brutal and merciless, and you’ll feel a more significant impact on enemies as Atreus takes shot in a circle. Ferocity backs a significant boost to almost all actions and makes Atreus much powerful at stun damage.

ferocity god of war

8. Pride of Frost –

Pride of frost comes handy when you’re facing more than one enemy. You can use it with Leviathan Axe and make a great combo. It proves to be a mass controller for enemies. So this is also God of War Best Skills.

Pride of Frost

9. Whirling Storm –

Whirling Storm proves to be your soul ally when you’re aiming enemies from a distance. Its great initial step which gives you a window to initiate a combo attack. So this is also a part of God of War Best Skills.

Whirling Storm

10. Precision Fury Blast –

Precision Fury Blast proves to be a great integrated part when you combine it with your Precision Throw combo. It’s an effective mass controller. So this is also God of War Best Skills.

Precision Fury Blast


To summarize this whole God of War Best Skills chapter, It is a Heroic game. Playing for long hours could lead to chronic addiction. Just kidding! Mastering the game requires hours of practice, and using these efficiently will be helpful.

If you know any more God of War Best Skills to add or any query I could resolve, please drop down a comment. Have a good day!


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